Contracts and Security

On-Chain presence and security considerations

Throughout our journey, an array of smart contracts and addresses will form a part of our operations and on-chain activity. We think transparency is of utmost importance, we will therefore list our key on-chain locations below:

Minting Contract: 0x9772F5dF100bbA0d4E637AB866B17F94FcAC0cf8

Sybil Safe: 0x7388C4e78e1a264C5F528dfC76419690CFF6b34a

Team Treasury: 0xB18A0EEB83E28AD61daC2C2Da09204b612EA04E3

Airdrop Reward Claim: Although not currently on the horizon, we will clearly outline the address of our claiming contracts here.

Wider security considerations:

As a project, we take our OPSEC very seriously, to protect both the project funds and our Sybil strategies. As mentioned, we implement multisig whenever possible, and maintain reoccurring reviews with our CyberSec consultants to ensure continual best practices.

Last updated