NFT Tiers

What do the different NFT Tiers mean?

In order to fairly distribute any potential future rewards to Samurai NFT holders, we have incorporated a "Shards" system. Allowing us to fairly and systematically redistribute any potential rewards across Tiers.

We have incentivized users to mint higher Tier NFTs by giving bonus Shards to our Tier 2 and 3 Samurai. This is achieved by weighting the potential reward, resulting in Tier 2 achieving a 17% bonus, and a Tier 3 Samurai achieving a 40% bonus in Shards.

We have broken down the Shards for each NFT Tier to show how the bonus Shards work and how much of a bonus you get for each Tier:

We decided to use Shards to ensure that we can effectively distribute any potential airdrop rewards, it also allows us to incentivize users to mint the higher Tier NFTs, by offering a beneficial weighting to Tiers 2 and 3.

It is important to note that the Shards in no way represent ownership over the sybil funds in any way, they are purely used to measure the possible rewards for each Tier of Samurai NFT.

For a better visualization of this weighting, please interact with the Calculator on our website.

Last updated